Welcome at the website of
Reichenberger Maschinenbau
We take time for you and respond to your requirements.
As a German medium-sized company we work in the areas of development and production at the Radebeul location near Dresden.
From the idea to the product
Project work, development according to customer specifications, construction, implementation and production according to documents
Our processes are standardized and our solutions are as diverse as your requirements.
Optimization of new or existing machines
Experience, progress, automation, concatenation
As a partner for milling machines, for example, we are available with our own product lines of milling heads and auxiliary spindles. With our milling heads, we are able to meet special requirements in addition to standardized series products from other machine manufacturers. For example, our RMH 500 with 500Nm spindle torque in a circle of 550mm offers the possibility of immersing in components with 2000Nm NC torque and machining from the inside.
This makes your machine truly unique with the highest precision and the usual service.